Extremely popular property!
Okinawa Prefecture Hotels
Book Ala Mahaina Condo Hotel
Exercise area
Car park
Car park
Swimming pool [outdoor]
Exercise area
Shared acccessible toilet
Slope at entrance
Elevator for wheelchair
Handrails in stairs and hallways
Swimming pool [kids]
Location rating score
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Service | 4.5 |
Number of restaurants | 1 |
Location rating | 3.8 |
Yanbaru is a place where visitors are greeted by the sparkling azure waters of the alluring ocean and the beautiful forests which brim with life. Come and enjoy an Okinawan resort that will surpass your expectations.
Very good3.8
For anything that's not mentioned on this page, please directly ask the property.
Reviews are provided by verified guests of JAPANiCAN.com and Rurubu Travel, both trusted brands from JTB Corp.
Exercise area
Car park
Really, if you care about the global environment, you should reconsider the temperature of the whole building air conditioning. It is too cold. Breakfast is not very good. The staff are all hard working. They are likable. Regarding the commercial facility in front of the hotel, I wish they would allow simpler and tastier food to enter the restaurant. The clientele are all different and not very relaxing. Not really suitable for those who want to spend a quiet time.
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The view was great, the staff was friendly and helpful, and the stay was clean and comfortable.
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古宇利島に行くためにこのあたりのホテルにしています。こちらのホテルは新しくて、コンドミニアムタイプ、暮らしてるように過ごせるすてきなホテルでした。調理器具やカラトリーが揃っているのでお部屋で調理することもできます。バルコニーも大きく、窓全面に海!といった感じでとても贅沢な時間を過ごせました。 立地的にはまわりに何もないところですが、ホテル敷地内はお店が充実しています。 また泊まりたいです。
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這次旅程在ala mahaina飯店一共四大一小入住兩晚,房間非常寬敞舒適,早餐用餐環境優美,坐室外可直接看到海,餐點也相當美味有現烤麵包,飯店一樓即連結商場,可惜商店還沒完全開張,期待之後賣場會有更豐富的商店!
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