Hotel Mori no Kaze Oshuku
Car park
Gift/souvenir shop
Shared acccessible toilet
Slope at entrance
Sign-language support at reception
Handrails in stairs and hallways
Wedding venue
Baby food prepared according to guest requests
Iwate Prefecture Hotels
Book Hotel Mori no Kaze Oshuku
Inside city center
Gift/souvenir shop
Car park
Car park
Gift/souvenir shop
Shared acccessible toilet
Slope at entrance
Sign-language support at reception
Handrails in stairs and hallways
Wedding venue
Baby food prepared according to guest requests
Location rating score
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Service | 4.1 |
Number of restaurants | 2 |
Location rating | 3.8 |
Oshuku Onsen hot spring resort, with a full 400-year history is surrounded by nature and exists to serve. Enjoy their large communal bathing options overlooking Mt. Iwate.
Very good3.8
For anything that's not mentioned on this page, please directly ask the property.
Breakfast is usually offered as a buffet style.
Reviews are provided by verified guests of and Rurubu Travel, both trusted brands from JTB Corp.
Gift/souvenir shop
Car park
I stayed here for a long time due to the Corona excess. I was impressed by the hard work of all the employees, although there were some points where I wondered if the hotel was understaffed. This trip was a celebration for our grandchildren's graduation and entrance into school, so the folk song show at the festival square and playing at the fair were the most memorable experiences for them. The creative dishes at dinner were also very delicious. Thanks to them, we were able to enjoy a pleasant dinner party with a lot of alcohol. I know the hotel industry is still in a difficult situation, but I would like to ask for your warm hospitality the next time I visit.
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Long time no see hot spring”
The coronavirus infection situation is under control, the emergency declaration has been lifted, and we were able to enjoy the hot springs for the first time in a while. Although we still have to be careful about coronavirus infection, the employees have taken thorough measures to prevent infection, and we were able to stay at the hotel with peace of mind. Thank you very much. We were satisfied with all the meals, hot springs, and events at the hotel.
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A very big hotel with nice environment and good service. The quality of food is so so and need some improvement.
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岩手に住んでる息子に会いに行き、こちらの宿に泊まりました。 とてもリフレッシュ出来た大満足な宿でした。 部屋が広く、きれいで、景色も良かった。 料理が全て美味しかった。 何を食べても美味しくて、楽しみにしてた二の膳のお肉と天ぷら、炊き込みご飯がたべれなかった。 早くにお肉に火をつけてもらうんだったと後悔。 残念だったのは、185cmの主人は寝具が小さくて足が出てしまい、寒くて何度も目が覚めてしまった事。 露天風呂もとても気持ち良かった。 お湯の温度も丁度良く、ツルツルになりました。 ガーデンに花が咲く頃に、また行きたいと思える、大満足な宿でした。
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炉端焼、最高に美味しかったです! また炉端焼コースで行きますね!
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