Hotel Route-Inn Miyako
Gold star ratings are provided by partner site to reflect the comfort, facilities, and amenities you can expect.
Car park
Shared acccessible toilet
Slope at entrance
Handrails in stairs and hallways
Large indoor bath
Wheelchair accessible
It is a little far from Miyako Station and is difficult to walk to. I think this facility is mainly for people coming by car. The exterior looks like a nursing home; we stayed in a room on the first floor, and it seemed more convenient than a regular business hotel, with access to vending machines, a large bath, the front desk, and the dining area without using the elevator or stairs. The room we stopped at this time did not have a separate bath, but I thought this was because the large bathroom was comfortable and the room was spacious enough for it, with a sofa and other amenities. As a request for improvement, the temperature of the public bath was too hot, and I would have appreciated it if it had been a little warmer (40-41 degrees). Also, the plants in the parking lot are in disarray, and I would like to see the grass cut properly. It is uncomfortable to hit the grass when loading luggage.
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1. Great and friendly staff, some could speak English 2. This is a city rebuilding after the tsunami. Like most hotels here, most of the customers are construction related. Don't be surprised to find many Yakuza in the hot springs 3. Really nice new room
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シングルだったが、いわゆるビジネスホテルよりは部屋がゆったり。風呂は大浴場のみだがトイレはあったので特に問題はなかった。 難点は…宮古の街から離れているので、夕食を外に食べに出ようとすると街まで徒歩一時間弱かかることか。(飲まなければ問題ないのだろうが) しかしのんびり歩ける距離ではある。 朝食は普通のバイキング。ただしコロナのせいでいろいろ面倒なのは仕方ないか。
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